Full Time Faculty Position in Seoul, Korea
Position Type: Professor Any Level
Categories/Specialties: Any field
Deadline: 2011-12-15
Department of Economics of Sogang University in Seoul, Korea, invites applications for any field of economics. (1) Tenure track at the rank of assistant, associate or full professor: There is one opening, beginning Fall 2012. Candidates for assistant professor rank should expect to have a Ph.D. completed by August 2012. (2) Tenure track at the rank of assistant, associate or full professor: This is the opening for non-Korean citizens only. There is one opening, beginning Fall 2012. Candidates should expect to have the Ph.D. completed by August 2012. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications. Teaching will be done in English. Interviews will be conducted at the ASSA-AEA meetings in Chicago, IL, January 2012.
Application Instructions: Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, dissertation abstract or sample research paper and letters from three references. Applications should be submitted online at http://www.econjobmarket.org.