The 2014 Annual KAEA-KAFA-KIF(Korea Institute of Finance, 금융연구원) Joint Conference
• Main Theme: 글로벌 금융위기 이후 금융시장 변화와 정책적 시사점 (The effects of financial globalization: the aftermath of the global financial crisis)
• Conference date: June 2, 2014
• Venue: Korea Institute of Finance (KIF), Seoul, Korea
• Submission Deadline: April 1, 2014
The annual joint conference with the KIF and the KAFA will be held as a one-day conference on June 2nd, 2014. While the main theme for this year’s conference is “the effects of financial globalization: the aftermath of the global financial crisis,” papers dealing with general issues in macro-finance, financial/capital markets, and banking industry and regulations are also welcome. Each paper presented at the conference will be awarded a financial support of KRW 2,000,000 by KIF.
A submission will be accepted only if it is a complete paper with (i) an abstract of 300-400 words, (ii) 3-5 keywords, and (iii) JEL code(s) on the first page. Please send your submission or inquiries to Vice President Sunghyun Kim at “” Submitted papers will be reviewed by the referees selected by the KAEA and the KIF. Submissions from young scholars are strongly encouraged.
Submissions will be accepted only from the lifetime KAEA members or those who have paid the KAEA membership dues for both 2013 and 2014 prior to the paper submission.