The 2012 Annual KAEA-KIPF (Korea Institute of Public Finance, 조세연구원) Joint Conference
• Date: June 12 (Tue), 2012
• Venue: Korea Institute of Public Finance (KIPF)
• Submission Deadline: April 1, 2012
• Decision Announcement: April 15, 2012
The annual joint conference with the KIPF will be held as a one-day conference on Tuesday, June 12, 2012. Papers dealing with general tax and fiscal policy issues are welcome. KAEA expects to contribute up to two papers. Each presenter at the conference will be reimbursed one economy-class ticket up to $2,000 by KIPF; two nights of lodging will also be provided.
A submission will be accepted only if it is a complete paper with (i) an abstract of 300-400 words, (ii) 3-5 keywords, and (iii) JEL code(s) on the first page. Please send your submission or inquiries to Vice President Sunghyun Kim at “” Submitted papers will be reviewed by the referees selected by the KAEA and the KIPF. Submissions from young scholars are strongly encouraged.
Submissions will be accepted only from the lifetime KAEA members or those who have paid the KAEA membership dues for both 2011 and 2012 prior to the paper submission.