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- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jul 17 - 18 2023
[Call for papers] Conference on Inequality and Mobility
CALL FOR PAPERSConference on Inequality and Mobility
The Stone Center for Research on Wealth Inequality and Mobility at the University of Chicago and the Institute for Economic Research at Seoul National University invite submissions of complete papers or extended abstracts for consideration to be included in a conference on inequality and mobility. We aim to bring together scholars working across disciplines on theoretical, econometric, and empirical papers to engage with each other through presentations and round-table discussions. We are especially interested in inviting scholars whose papers address inequality and mobility in Asia.
The keynote lectures will be delivered by Steven Durlauf (University of Chicago) and Dae-il Kim (Seoul National University). Other confirmed speakers include Gregorio Caetano (University of Georgia), Yoosoon Chang (Indiana University), Jungmin Lee (Seoul National University), and Jessica Pan (National University of Singapore). Through this call for papers, we aim to invite additional scholars to present.
We will accept papers via the submission link until April 14, 2023. Decisions will be announced by April 28, 2023.
For information on the status of your submission, please contact ucstonecenter@gmail.com. Sincerely, Yoosoon Chang, Indiana University Steven Durlauf, University of Chicago Dae-il Kim, Seoul National University Jungmin Lee, Seoul National University |
University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy, 1307 East 60th Street, , Chicago,IL,60637,,773-702-8400 |