Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Aug 05 2013
- Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Call for Papers (KDI-KAEA)
The main theme of this year’s conference is “Fiscal Sustainability and Innovative Welfare System”, with focuses on 건강한 복지정책의 확립, 재정 건전성 확보. We also welcome papers from all fields of economics broadly related to Job Creation, Productivity in Service Sector, Inclusive Society, and Monetary Policy and Fiscal Sustainability.
* Date: August 5, 2013 (Monday)
* Theme: Fiscal Sustainability and Innovative Welfare System
* Venue: Korea Development Institute, Seoul, Korea
* Submission Deadline: May 1, 2013
* Decision Announcement: May 10, 2013.
Papers with strong policy implications are favored. In particular, we strongly encourage young economists to submit their recent works.
A submission will be accepted only if it is a complete paper with (i) an abstract of 300-400 words, (ii) 3-5 keywords, and (iii) JEL code(s) on the title page. The papers may be in Korean, in which case (i) the paper should also include an English abstract of 500 words, (ii) with charts, diagrams, and references in English. The conference will be in English. Submissions should be sent to Vice President, Yongsung Chang at yongsung.chang@gmail.com.
Submitted papers will be reviewed by the Steering Committee of this Conference. Around six papers will be selected from the submission. Each selected paper will be awarded an honorarium of KRW 2,500,000 by KDI. In addition, accommodation for two nights per paper will be provided to paper presenters traveling from outside Seoul for this conference.
It should be noted that the submitted papers will be considered (not mandatory though) for publication at the KDI Journal of Economic Policy published by KDI. Papers accepted for publication will be awarded an additional honorarium of KRW 1,500,000 by KDI.
Submissions will be accepted only from the lifetime KAEA members or those who have paid the KAEA membership dues for both 2012 and 2013 prior to the paper submission.