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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Aug 12 - 13 2020


Aug 12 2020

Call for Papers (KER International Conference)

Call for Papers: KER International Conference

The 2020 KER International Conference is jointly sponsored by Korea-America Economic Association (KAEA) and Korean Economic Association (KEA).

UPDATE: Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the 2020 Korean Economic Review (KER) International Conference will be held online (e.g., via Zoom). At this point, the likely time of the virtual conference is 7PM-11:30PM EDT, August 12-13.

The submission deadline is extended to June 15, 2020.

KAEA is soliciting high quality research papers in all areas of economics. Each presenter selected by KAEA will be given an honorarium for the virtual presentation (amount to be determined).

 For the first time, we are using Conference Maker to accept submissions.


 PLEASE NOTE: When you submit a paper, from the `Area’ dropdown menu, you must choose `Shin, Yongseok: KAEA’ to receive the honorarium. If you choose a different committee member/area, your paper may still get accepted, but you will NOT be eligible for the honorarium. No exception will be granted, so please make sure that you choose KAEA as your area.

 The deadline to submit a manuscript (preferred) or extended abstract is Monday, June 15. All submitted papers will be reviewed by anonymous referees. We welcome submissions from junior scholars.

You must be a KAEA lifetime member or have been an annual member for the last two years (2019 and 2020) to submit a manuscript. Your membership status will be verified before your submission is reviewed. Please visit our website (www.kaea.org) if you want to become a member.

Invited lectures will be given by the following speakers.

Micro Theory: Jifeng Lu (NUS), Ben Golub (Harvard)
Macro: Vincenzo Quadrini (USC), Benjamin Pugsley (Notre Dame)
Econometrics: Mikkel Plagborg-Moller (Princeton), Martin Weidner (UCL)
IO: Matt Shum (Cal Tech), Julian Wright (NUS)
Public/Labor: Hanming Fang (Penn), John Jones (FRB Richmond)
International: Federico Diego (IMF), Alan Spearot (UC Santa Cruz)


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