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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Oct 21 - 22 2023


Oct 21 2023

[Call for papers] The 18th EAEA International Convention (10/21-22)

The 18th East Asia Economic Association (EAEA) International Convention will be held on campus of Seoul National University (SNU) in Korea on October 21-22, 2023. The theme of the Convention is “Charting Inclusive Pathways for Innovation, Growth and Integration in Asia”.

The Program Committee Chaired by Professor Keun Lee of SNU is issuing a call for papers related to the Convention theme and for papers on a wide range of economic issues related to Asia. We consider all academic papers that are applied, empirical and policy-relevant in nature, as long as they are related to Asia.

Confirmed Speakers include:

Dani Rodrik (Harvard University, USA)

Justin Y Lin (Peking University, former VP of World Bank)

Armida S. Alisjahbana (Executive Secretary of ESCAP; Under-secretary General of UN)

Albert Park (Chief Economist, Asian Development Bank)

Joo-ho Lee (Minister of Education; Vice Prime Minister, Korea)

Authors who wish to present a paper at the Convention should submit an abstract of the proposed paper not exceeding 200 words to the conference website (https://editorialexpress.com/conference/EAEA2023/) by April 30.

Detailed information is in the attached file (pdf).

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