Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Jun 05 2025
  • Time: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm


Seoul, Korea
Seoul, Korea


Jun 05 2025


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


KRW 500,000 (approximately USD 360)

Population, Aging, and the Economy

Guest Editor: Munseob Lee

The KDI Journal of Economic Policy is now inviting submissions for an international
conference on “Population, Aging, and the Economy,” scheduled to take place in Seoul,
Korea, on Thursday June 5, 2025. Papers that are accepted and presented at the
conference are automatically submitted to the KDI Journal of Economic Policy
( http://www.kdijep.org/ ) for a special issue.
The conference aims to bring together research that explores the drivers and effects of
demographic trends. We welcome papers from a broad range of fields including labor,
public, macro, urban, and health economics. Topics of interest include, but are not limited

  • Addressing sustained low fertility rates
  • Disparities in longevity advancements
  • The role of immigration in workforce dynamics
  •  Aging and its impact on fiscal health
  •  Aging and productivity growth

Preference will be given to research with implications for the Korean economy.

The KDI will cover the following for each presenter: (i) roundtrip economy airfare; (ii) hotel
accommodation; (iii) an honorarium of KRW 500,000 (approximately USD 360), and an
additional honorarium upon paper acceptance for publication in the KDI Journal of
Economic Policy.

Please submit a 2 to 5-page proposal outlining your research and including some
preliminary empirical or theoretical results. If you have a preliminary version of your paper
available, you may include it with your submission. Send your proposals by October 31,
2024, to guest editor Munseob Lee at  munseoblee@ucsd.edu with “KDI JEP
conference submission” in the subject line. Authors will be informed by November 15,
2024, if their paper is selected. Please note that only selected authors will be contacted.
Drafts of accepted papers should be completed one month before the conference, as
discussants will be assigned to all presentations at the conference.

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