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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Jan 03 - 05 2021
  • Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am


Jan 03 - 05 2021


12:00 am - 12:00 am

2021 AEA/ASSA Annual Meeting will be VIRTUAL

2021 AEA/ASSA Annual Meeting will be VIRTUAL
July 13, 2020

To: Prior registrants of the ASSA Meeting
From: Peter L. Rousseau, Secretary-Treasurer
Subject: 2021 AEA/ASSA Annual Meeting will be VIRTUAL

Given recent events, continued uncertainties, current meeting/travel restrictions related to the potential spread of COVID-19, and the rising number of cases, we regret to announce that the Association’s leadership has made the difficult decision not to hold the 2021 ASSA Annual Meeting in person. The safety risks posed by the COVID-19 pandemic has made it impossible to plan, prepare for, and hold an in-person event as expected.

While not holding an in-person meeting will diminish the reunions, receptions, and other networking opportunities that occur in a face to face setting, the AEA is excited to announce that preparations are underway for a VIRTUAL 2021 AEA/ASSA Annual Meeting. Session and paper submissions have been strong and we are currently curating a program that will be both interesting and stimulating – especially in the times through which we are living. The virtual meeting will be held on January 3 – 5, 2021 as planned and will include the usual offering of over 500 scientific sessions. Registration will open in September and the registration fee will be set to cover the costs of holding the virtual meeting. Stay tuned for more details at https://www.aeaweb.org/conference/.

This has been a unprecedented year and the AEA leadership believes that, despite the departure from normal circumstances, we will continue to have an engaging and successful 2021 AEA/ASSA Meeting. We look forward to seeing you in person in 2022 when we will be together again in Boston.

If you have any questions, please email ASSA@vanderbilt.edu.

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