Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jan 03 - 05 2026
- Time: All Day
Call for papers: 2026 ASSA Meetings
2026 ASSA Meetings, Philadelphia, January 3-5, 2026
The 2026 ASSA Annual Meeting will be held on January 3-5, 2026 in Philadelphia, PA.
The Korea‐America Economic Association (KAEA) will organize three sessions at this conference, including one joint session with the American Economic Association (AEA). We invite submissions from the members of KAEA and KEA. Theoretical and empirical papers on all aspects of economics are welcome.
Please submit your manuscript (preferred) or an extended abstract to Vice President Yoonseok Lee by email at ylee.kaea@gmail.com, with the subject line “2026 KAEA-ASSA Submission.” In your submission email, please include the followings:
- Title of the paper
- Author names, affiliations, and email addresses (indicate presenter)
- JEL codes
- Keywords
- Your membership status with the KAEA or the KEA
The submission deadline is Monday, March 24, 2025. All submissions will undergo peer review, and only accepted authors will be notified. We strongly encourage all presenters and their co-authors to attend the conference and serve as discussants.
We look forward to your valuable contributions at the 2026 ASSA meeting.