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  • Date: Jan 04 2015


Jan 04 2015

President’s message on the 2015 ASSA/KAEA meetings in Boston

I and all KAEA Executive Committee team welcome you to the 2015 ASSA/KAEA meetings in Boston.

The KAEA organizes 3 sessions — a Macro session by Yongseok Shin (Washington Univ.), a Micro session by In-Uck Park (Univ. of Bristol) and an IO session by Jay Pil Choi (University New South Wales and Michigan State University).  All these sessions will take place on January 4th (Sunday) at Riverway, Sheraton Boston.

Information on the 3 KAEA sessions:   https://www.aeaweb.org/aea/2015conference/program/preliminary.php

[1] Jan 04, 2015 8:00 am, Sheraton Boston, Riverway
Korea-America Economic Association
Economic Growth and Integration (O1, O3)
Presiding: Yongsung  Chang (University of Rochester and Yonsei University)
Organized by Yongseok Shin (Washington University-St. Louis and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)

[2] Jan 04, 2015 10:15 am, Sheraton Boston, Riverway
Korea-America Economic Association
Dynamic Cooperation: Theory and Evidence (C7, D8)
Presiding: Sunku Hahn (Yonsei University)
Organized by In-Uck Park (University of Bristol)

[3] Jan 04, 2015 12:30 pm, Sheraton Boston, Riverway
Korea-America Economic Association/American Economic Association
The Economics of the Internet (L8, D8)
Organized and Presiding: Jay Pil Choi (University New South Wales and Michigan State University)

Please come to the sessions. The ASSA people count the number of attendants. Your attendance will help greatly KAEA’s efforts to increase the number of KAEA sessions in the future.

Maekyung Forum will take place at 5 pm, January 4th (Sunday), at Sheraton Boston — Back Bay Ballroom A.  The speaker is Dr. Narayanan Kocherlakota, President, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.  https://www.aeaweb.org/aea/2015conference/program/preliminary.php

Immediately after the Maekyung Forum, about 6:00 pm, there will be the KAEA Dinner Banquet at the same place (Back Bay Ballroom A ). All the KAEA members including KAEA institutional members are welcome for meeting people and enjoying an exquisite course banquet dinner.

On January 5th (Monday), we plan to have a panel session on the Korean economy in the morning, followed by KAEA workshop sessions. See the separate announcement on this workshop.

[Registration and hotel reservation] The ASSA headquarters hotel is Sheraton Boston.  The Conference registration and housing will be open on September 10th.

We look forward to seeing you ALL in Boston in January 2015.

Jay Pil Choi
President, KAEA 2014

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