
Yoosoon Chang, Soojin Jo, Minchul Shin

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Oct 20 2022
  • Time: 8:00 pm


Zoom Meeting


Oct 20 2022


8pm EST, October 20 THURSDAY
8:00 pm

KAEA-VSS Empirical Macro-Finance – 8pm EST, October 20 THURSDAY


Title: Price Stickiness Heterogeneity and Equilibrium Determinacy

Presenter: Woongyong Park (Seoul National University)

Discussant: Willem van Zandweghe (Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland)

Zoom link to the seminar:

I look forward to seeing you at the seminar.

Best wishes,

KAEA-VSS Empirical Macro-Finance Organizers

Yoosoon Chang, Soojin Jo, Minchul Shin



Monetary policy can achieve equilibrium determinacy with considerably weak responses to inflation under price stickiness heterogeneity. The result holds in a sticky-price model with the constant elasticity-of-substitution aggregator and no trend inflation, and with a variable elasticity-of-substitution aggregator and historical trend inflation. The evidence in favor of the view that the US economy was subject to self-fulfilling expectations-driven fluctuations in the pre-Volcker period and the systematic shift in monetary policy was crucial in subsequent stabilization of inflation appears much weaker through the lens of price stickiness heterogeneity than previously concluded in the literature under price stickiness homogeneity.

Co-author: Jae Won Lee (Seoul National University)

Keywords: Heterogeneity in Price Stickiness, Equilibrium Determinacy, Sectoral Relative Price Dispersion, Monetary Policy, Great Inflation


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