Time: Thursday, November 30, 8:00PM Eastern Time (9:00AM Friday in Korea)
Speaker: Jiwon Choi (Brandeis University, https://www.jiwonlchoi.com/)
Paper: The Effect of Deindustrialization on Local Economies: Evidence from New England Textile Towns
Abstract: This paper documents the persistence of a local labor demand shock from a key episode of deindustrialization in the US: the decline of the New England textile industry in the 1920s. Although spatial equilibrium models predict worker migration in response to a loss of local employment, New England towns that heavily depended on the textile industry in 1900 did not experience a significant population decline compared to other towns. Individuals in these towns, especially those with a lower level of wealth, were less likely to out-migrate. Adult workers switched to the agricultural sector and faced decreased occupational earnings. Using a matched difference-in-differences design that exploits variation in timing and location of large textile plant closures, I find that young individuals in plant closure towns increased their eighth-grade completion, but their labor market outcomes did not improve by 1940. My findings provide policy implications for local economic recovery, such as promoting diversity in the local industrial base.
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Passcode: 604629
KAEA-VSS Micro Seminar Organizers: Yujung Hwang, Kyungmin Kim, Dongwoo Kim, Sokbae Lee, and Boyoung Seo (in alphabetical order)
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