The KAEA is pleased to announce that Professor Sokbae Simon Lee (Columbia University) is going to receive the 2017 Maekyung-KAEA Economist Award for his professional achievement. The award ceremony will be held during the Annual Meeting of the KAEA at Hyatt Regency in Chicago, at 6:00 pm, January 7, 2017. Congratulations!
Sokbae Lee is Professor of Economics at Columbia University since 2016, and previously held positions at University College London (2002-10) and Seoul National University (2010-16). He received his PhD from the University of Iowa in 2002. His main research area is theoretical econometrics, but he has made significant contributions in applied microeconomics as well. He published numerous papers, including in such top journals as Econometrica, American Economic Review, and Journal of American Statistical Association. He is an associate editor of Journal of Econometrics and Econometric Theory, and served in the editorial board of Review of Economic Studies. His research is widely recognized and has been supported by numerous British ESRC grants and European Research Council grants. He was elected as a fellow of the Econometric Society in 2014.
For Prof. Lee’s profile and CV, please refer to:
The KAEA appreciates the Award Nomination Committee (Professors Chang-Jin Kim (Chair), Doh-Shin Jeon, Yongseok Shin) for their valuable service for award nomination this year.
The KAEA is pleased to announce that Professor Wooyoung Lim (HKUST) and Suyong Song (University of Iowa) will receive the 2017 KAEA Young Scholar Award for their professional achievement. The award ceremony will be held during the Annual Meeting of the KAEA at Hyatt Regency in Chicago, at 6:00 pm, January 7, 2017. Congratulations!
Wooyoung Lim is an assistant professor of economics at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh in 2010. His field is game theory and experimental economics, and he mainly works on theoretical and experimental studies of various games such as coordination, communication, bargaining, contest, auction, public good provision, etc. He published nine papers in international journals and five of them in the top journal of his field, Games and Economic Behavior. He has several working papers including two under revision for Games and Economic Behavior. For his profile and CV, please refer to:
Suyong Song is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Iowa since 2015, and previously held a position as an assistant professor at the Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee (2010-2015). He received his PhD from the University of California-San Diego in 2010. He is an econometrician primarily working on econometric theory and empirical industrial organisation. He has been producing high quality research and published excellent papers at top-tier journals such as Journal of Econometrics and Quantitative Economics, and many newer papers are in pipeline or in progress. For his profile and CV, please refer to:
The KAEA appreciates the Award Nomination Committee (Professors Chang-Jin Kim (Chair), Doh-Shin Jeon, Yongseok Shin) for their valuable service for award nomination this year.