In addition to three regular sessions, KAEA—in conjunction with Korean Economic Association (KEA)—plans to hold one or two WORKSHOPS at the Denver ASSA meetings. They are intended to increase the interaction and exchange of ideas among the participants working on various issues, including those related to Korea.
The workshops will be held on January 9 (Sunday), starting at 10:30 AM right after the KAEA panel discussion session. If you are interested, please submit completed papers to Professor Hyeongwoo Kim at Submission deadline is October 23, 2010. (Decision will be made within a week; only accepted papers will be notified.)
To submit a paper for the workshop, one has to be (or become) a lifetime KAEA member or paid his/her annual membership dues for 2009 and 2010 at the time of submission. This requirement is waived for the KEA members.
Please note that these are NOT official ASSA-sponsored sessions and thus will NOT be included in the ASSA program book. There is no financial support for the participants.