To the Members of the Korea-America Economic Association,
I am excited to announce the launch of the KAEA Virtual Seminar Series (KAEA-VSS). Our main goal for
this initiative is to provide an opportunity for sharing research and promoting academic discussions in
this challenging time with limited mobility and reduced face-to-face conference participation. Since
these challenges are felt most by our junior members, we will give priority to them. It is our wish that
the virtual seminars may also serve as a friendly mentoring platform where the juniors feel comfortable
introducing their ideas and expect to receive candid yet friendly feedback and criticism.
To implement our goals effectively, we formed four groups to cover a wide range of research interests
of our members, and decided to run the seminars weekly at 8pm EDT Thursday (9am KST Friday). Each
group will host a seminar every four weeks on a rotational basis. The current KAEA executive committee
members kindly agreed to serve as the coordinators of these groups, and have started forming a
network of core members who will attend their seminars regularly. Here are the four groups and their
- Applied Micro: Byung-Cheol Kim (, General Secretary
- Empirical Micro and Microeconometrics: Suyong Song (, Treasurer
- Macro: Yongseok Shin (, Vice President
- Empirical Macro-Finance and Macroeconometrics: Yoosoon Chang (, President
A number of members have already committed to participate regularly, but we are still in the process of
identifying core members and confirming their participation. Please let one of the coordinators know if
you wish to present, discuss, or become a core member. The schedule for the first six seminars is
attached below.
As a part of our seminar schedule, we decided to include the KWEN (Korean Women Economist
Network) virtual mentoring seminars. I organized KWEN in 2016, when I was serving as the Vice
President of KAEA, to facilitate interactions among Korean female economists and to help them build
substantive intellectual relationships that may in turn open up possibilities for collaboration and joint
research. KWEN has been focusing on mentoring its junior members and organized two mentoring
sessions each year during the ASSA meetings.
In spite of the unprecedented challenges this pandemic imposes, we hope our new virtual seminar
series will provide a new opportunity to further strengthen our KAEA community and promote year-round research sharing, collaboration, and mentoring.
I look forward to meeting you virtually at the KAEA seminars in the near future.
Stay safe and best wishes,
Yoosoon Chang
The information provided here and subsequent updates will be posted on our webpage (
Password-protected zoom invitations for the seminar series will be posted at this link
July 9, 2020: Applied Micro Group
Title: Assessing the Bank Lending Channel of Macroprudential Policy: Evidence from the Loan-to-Deposit
Ratio Regulation in Korea
Presenter: Jaebin Ahn (Seoul National University)
Discussants: Ryan Kim (Johns Hopkins) and Seung Hoon Lee (Georgia Tech)
July 16, 2020: Empirical Macro-Finance Group joint with Empirical Micro Group
Title: Shapes as Product Differentiation: Neural Network Embedding in the Analysis of Markets for Fonts
Presenter: Sukjin Han (University of Texas Austin)
Discussant: Sangsoo Park (Korea University)
July 23, 2020: Applied Micro Group
Title: The Value of Improving Insurance Quality: Evidence from Long-Run Medicaid Attrition
Presenter: Ajin Lee (Michigan State University)
Discussants: Siha Lee (McMaster) and Kanghyock Koh (Korea University)
July 28, 2020 (Tuesday): KWEN
Title: Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity in the United States
Presenter: Yoon Joo Jo (Texas A&M)
Discussant: Gee Hee Hong (IMF)
July 30, 2020: Empirical Micro and Microeconometrics Group
Title: Identification and Estimation of Sequential Games with Multiple Equilibria
Presenter: Jangsu Yoon (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Discussant: Hanbat Jeong (Ohio State University)
August 6, 2020: Macro Group
Title: The Cost of Privacy: Welfare Effects of the Disclosure of COVID-19 Cases
Presenter: Munseob Lee (University of California-San Diego)
Discussant: TBD
August 10, 2020 (Monday): Empirical Macro-Finance and Macroeconometrics Group
Title: On the Aggregation of Probability Assessments: Regularized Mixtures of Predictive Densities
Presenter: Minchul Shin (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia)
Discussant: Joon Y. Park (Indiana University and Sungkyunkwan University) and Yongki Shin (McMaster University)
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