The KAEA is pleased to announce that Professor In-Uck Park (University of Bristol and SungKyunKwan University) is going to receive the 2014 Maekyung-KAEA Economist Award for his professional achievement. The award ceremony will be held during the Annual Meeting of the KAEA at Philadelphia Marriott Downtown Hotel (Grand Ballroom-Salon C), at 6:00 pm, January 4, 2014. Congratulations!
In-Uck Park is Leverhulme Professor of Industrial Organization at the University of Bristol and Professor of Economics at SungKyunKwan University. He received his Ph.D. from University of Minnesota in 1993 and subsequently served at the University of Bristol and University of Pittsburgh as Lecturer and Assistant Professor, before taking the Leverhulme Chair in 2004 at Bristol. During 2011-2012, he visited the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, as the Richard B. Fisher Member. Professor Park’s main areas of research include the contract theory and game theory and their applications into industrial organization issues, and he has widely been recognized for his contributions in these areas. His recent research focuses on how individuals coordinate and cooperate in dynamic relationships. He has published papers in numerous top academic journals such as Econometrica, Journal of Economic Theory, Rand Journal of Economics, and International Journal of Industrial Organization. He served as Associate Editor of European Economic Review, and a member of editorial board at the B.E. Journals of Economic Analysis & Policy. He has received numerous British ESRC grants.
For Prof. Park’s profile and CV, please refer to:
The KAEA appreciates the Award Nomination Committee (Professors Yeon-Koo Che (Chair), Jinill Kim, Myung Hwan Seo) for their valuable service for award nomination this year.