The KAEA is pleased to announce that Dr. Kei-Mu Yi (University of Houston) is going to receive the 2020 Maekyung-KAEA Economist Award for his professional achievement. Congratulations!
Kei-Mu Yi is currently the M.D. Anderson Professor of Economics at the University of Houston since 2016, and is a Research Associate with the ITI and IFM programs at the NBER. Prior to coming to Houston, he held positions with the Federal Reserve Banks of New York, Philadelphia, and Minneapolis. In Philadelphia, he was the head of the Macro section, and in Minneapolis he was the Director of Research, and subsequently, special policy adviser to the President. He received a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Chicago in 1990. His primary research area is international economics. His earlier research focused on tests of endogenous growth models, on the trade-comovement puzzle, and, on documenting the increased vertical specialization of international trade and studying the consequences of that for the growth of world trade and the border effect puzzle. His current research interests are on trade and growth, trade and structural transformation, and the gains from trade. He has published a number of papers in top journals including American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Monetary Economics, Review of Economics and Statistics and Journal of International Economics.
The KAEA is pleased to announce that Drs. Ji Hyung Lee (UIUC) and Minchul Shin (Philadelphia Fed) will receive the 2020 KAEA Young Scholar Award for their professional achievement.
Ji Hyung Lee is currently an assistant professor of economics at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign since 2015. He previously held an assistant professor position at University of Washington. He received his Ph.D. in economics from Yale in 2013. His primary research is econometrics, in particular time series and financial econometrics. He has published in journals such as Journal of Econometrics, Econometric Theory, and Journal of Empirical Finance.
Minchul Shin is currently a senior machine learning economist at Research Department at Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia since 2019. He previously held an assistant professor position at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Pennsylvania in 2015. His research interests include econometrics, macroeconomics, machine learning and data science. He has published in journals such as Journal of the American Statistical Association, Review of Economics and Statistics, and Journal of Econometrics.
The KAEA appreciates the Award Nomination Committee (Drs. Sokbae Lee (Chair), Yongcheol Shin, and Donggyu Sul) for their valuable service for award nomination this year.
Jinyong Hahn
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